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MLS #202119912 Listing as of August 15, 2021
Atkinson Towers Unit #1208
SOLD (As of October 27, 2021)

Asking Price: $495,000.00

SOLD Price: $490,000.00 (FEE SIMPLE)

Three (3) Bedrooms, or Two (2) Bedrooms and a Studio & One (1) Bath
Total Area:1,049 Sq. Ft.

MLS #201808920 Listing


Atkinson Towers Unit #303
Asking Price: $355,000.00 (Fee Simple).

Asking Price: $355,000.00 (Fee Simple) <
SOLD Price: $355,000.00.
Two (2) Bedrooms, One (1) Bath, Enclosed Lanai. .
Total Area: 792 Sq. Ft.

MLS #201700260 Listing.
Lanikea at Waikiki Unit #3004
SOLD (as of May 2, 2017)

Sold Price: $1,150,000.00
Two (2) Bedrooms, Two (2) Full-Baths
Total Area: 1,127 Sq. Ft.

*For more information, pictures, and/or a short Video, click here, or on the image of the building.

HiCentral Map to the Condo & the area.

Walt Flood Realty ®
Home Office, Honolulu, HI 96815-2134
Phone (808) 922-1659 (808) 783-7684 •

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